Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Question and Answer process work in e-GOS?

Category: e-GOS

e-GOS has a built-in workflow for answering questions, and both customers and contractors are encouraged to use it. Any eligible CIO-SP3, CIO-SP3 Small Business, and CIO-CS contract holder can submit a question on the solicitation by navigating to the solicitation-specific Q&A page and uploading questions as long as the Purchasing Official has specified a period for Questions and Answers. When the first question is submitted, the government customer will receive an e-mail notification. The government customer has the option of answering questions periodically throughout the Q&A period, or waiting until the Q&A deadline, at which time they receive another email notification. To view answers to questions, the contract holder simply navigates to the Documents tab and views the latest Q&A.pdf file. Each time the government customer releases a new set of answers, an email notification is sent to the contract holders. Once the Q&A deadline passes, questions can no longer be submitted. The government customer also has the choice of manually creating a question and answer document by creating an amendment to the RFP, attaching the Q&A file and releasing the amendment.