Need an extra hand acquiring IT?

NITAAC can act as your agency’s Contracting Office, providing guidance in accordance with your agency’s rules/policies and the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (FAR). A NITAAC Contracting Officer will be assigned to help you through to award.
Alert banner- AA deadline

Deadlines for End of Fiscal Year 2024 Assisted Acquisitions

July 15, 2024: Intake packages due

August 1, 2024: Funding and requirements for new actions due

August 15, 2024: Funding and requirements for modifications due

Ensure timely submissions to meet your federal IT procurement needs with NITAAC’s expert team.

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AA Detail

NITAAC acquisitions professionals are information technology (IT) contracting experts, adept at providing innovative acquisitions solutions. Our FAC-C Digital Services Level-III warranted Contracting Officers (COs) will help you deliver IT products, services and solutions through one of our three Best in Class Government-Wide Acquisitions Contract (GWAC) vehicles: CIO-CS, CIO-SP3 or CIO-SP3 Small Business. With Assisted Acquisitions, you'll benefit from the capabilities and expertise of our COs and the efficiencies and economies of our GWACs. It's a win-win for all.

The Senior Procurement Executive of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has certified in accordance with the requirements of Section 801 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, and implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 17.703(a), that NITAAC will comply with the Department of Defense (DoD) procurement requirements for FY 2024.

Our Assisted Acquisitions Contracting Officers have their Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting, Core-plus specialization in Digital Services (FAC-C-DS). The FAC took effect June 2018 and requires those assigned civilian acquisitions consisting primarily of digital services over the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 13.500(c) certain commercial items threshold have the training and certification.

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AA: Fees and Lead Times

Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT)

Please note the Procurement Administrative Lead Time begins when we receive a completed/approved acquisition package and ends upon award. Typical requirements will be completed within the following lead times:

  • Competitive acquisitions — Up to 90 days
  • Sole Source acquisitions — Up to 30 days

Rate Information

One Fee for All Acquisitions Types

  • 2% of total obligation
  • Cancellation Fee $65.00 per hour of time consumed


(Obligated Amount + NCAF) + Assisted Acquisitions Fee = Total Effort Amount

AA Related Resources FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions