Watch: Navigating the NITAAC Contract Holder Directory
Now that you have an understanding of the CIO-SP3 and CIO-SP3 Small Business contract vehicles, let's explore how to find and connect with the businesses certified by NITAAC to provide services and commodities using the NITAAC Contract Holder Directory.
Acquisition professionals can access the contract holder directory located on the NITAAC website to filter potential contract holders by task area or select small businesses based on socio-economic categories listed under the Set-Aside Group.
Watch the following video for an explanation of how to use the NITAAC contract holder directory. Note: All data, including the names of contract holders and companies, is fictional and used for illustrative purposes only.
Welcome to this screencast on how to navigate the NITAAC Contract Holder Directory. Today, we'll walk you through the process of finding a contract holder who is a small business. We will be looking for a HUBZone certified company that can handle specific task areas in the CIO-SP3 Small Business GWAC. Let’s get started.
Start by opening your browser and navigating to the NITAAC website. Under the Resources menu, you can locate the Contract Holder Directory. Click on the text. It will bring you to the Contract Holder Directory Search page. This is the place where you can find information about all contract holders who can provide IT commodities, services and solutions under NITAAC GWACs.
On the left-hand side, you'll see a variety of search filters.
To narrow your search, select the appropriate contract vehicle you plan to use under the ‘Government-Wide Acquisition Contract’ filter; for this scenario, I will select CIO-SP3 Small Business. The search yields 321 contract holders which you can view on this page and the following pages.
Next, under the Business Size filter, select 'Small Business' to find contract holders who are small businesses. This narrows the search to 274 contract holders using both the GWAC and Business Size filters.
Then, under the 'Set-Aside Group for CIO-SP3 Small Business Only' filter, check the box for historically underutilized business zone or HUBZone. This will further filter the directory to show only HUBZone-certified small businesses. The search funnels the directory down to 20 contract holders.
Next, we'll refine our search to ensure the company can provide IT solutions in the specific task areas. Scroll down to the 'Task Areas' section. We’re interested in Task Area 1 and Task Area 2, so select these options to locate contract holders qualified to perform work in these areas.
This step is important when searching within the CIO-SP3 Small Business GWAC because not all small businesses are eligible for awards in all ten task areas.
The search results reveal a list of HUBZone small businesses that meet the criteria.
Let’s take a closer look at one of these companies, 0014 Company. Click on the company name to view detailed information about it.
On the company’s profile page, you'll find information about their capabilities. You can verify that the company can perform work in Task Area 1 and Task Area 2 by reviewing the listed capabilities.
In addition, you can explore other services they offer. You can select the company website link on your own to learn more. In this video, all data is fictional and used for illustrative purposes only.
Once you’ve found a suitable HUBZone small business, make a note of their contact information and any additional details relevant to your needs. This ensures you have everything you need to move forward with your project.
Here’s one final tip, you can download a copy of the search results by selecting Export Results. This action will prompt you to download and save the spreadsheet to your drive. If you open the .csv (comma-separated values) file, you will see a list of all the contract holders that meet the criteria of your search.
Thank you for watching this screencast on using the NITAAC Contract Holder Directory. We hope this guide has made it easier for you to find the right small business partner for your next project.