For This I Am Thankful
The end of the year often marks a period of gratitude, where many pause to take time to celebrate and reflect on what they are thankful for. From their family to good health, to their jobs, Americans across the country can be found proudly declaring, “I am Thankful For.” NITAAC is no different and as we prepare to close out 2022, I wanted to reflect on what I am thankful for at NITAAC.
The NITAAC Family
First, I am thankful for the many individuals who make NITAAC great. I know it sounds cliché, but NITAAC is a family. The level of support and compassion we have for each other is something very special. Even with a pandemic and four years of remote work, the tight-knit bond of the NITAAC Nation has not been broken. We laugh together, we have fun together, and as life would have it, we even cry together. These common experiences only make us stronger as a team and it is these bonds that power our commitment to meaningful engagements with our customers.
You’ve heard me say this many times--customer service is not something we take for granted at NITAAC. We've geared our operations around our customers’ needs so whether they are just beginning a solicitation and need help with research, or they’ve already placed a task or delivery order on one of our vehicles, NITAAC is committed to making sure they get answers faster, so they can keep their acquisitions on track. This is a key tenet of the NITAAC culture and not something that is readily found in many agencies. I always tell people to name another agency where you can pick up the phone and there is always someone waiting for you at the other end of the line. The NITAAC team works hard to always deliver acquisitions excellence and for that, I am thankful.
Our Contract Holders
In FY22, NITAAC awarded $5 billion in task orders. This level of success would be impossible without our GWAC Contract Holders. The NITAAC Contract Holders are the best in the business and are true experts in the field of information technology (IT). They are an extension of NITAAC and provide ground cover for us at tradeshows and events and are excellent complements to our ongoing marketing efforts. They are true ambassadors to NITAAC and have their fingers on the pulse of what our agency customers need, as they navigate issues such as IT modernization and Zero Trust. Quite simply, we could not do it without you. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your enthusiasm. Thank you for your feedback and the insights you share to help NITAAC continue to grow and thrive.
Our Agency Customers
I am fully aware that NITAAC does not exist without agency customers who see the value in the services we provide. NITAAC has had the pleasure of doing business with every agency in the federal government and this is not something we take lightly. From the Department of Health and Human Services, who is consistently the largest user of our GWACs, to the many smaller offices and programs who call upon us, we value our relationships with every agency who has ever called or emailed us. We know that you have many options for your acquisitions needs and we are so grateful that you have entrusted your information technology needs to us. We value our customers and are thankful for the vote of confidence that you have given us by repeatedly working with the NITAAC team.
The band Timbuk 3 have a song that says, “The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.” And, as much as I date myself by referencing that, it’s true. I am thankful for the road that lies ahead for NITAAC. I am thankful for the many changes the organization has gone through. From becoming smarter about IT acquisitions through our DITAP certification, to obtaining our CMMI Level 3 maturity rating, NITAAC is continually growing and changing to better serve our agency partners. The future is indeed bright for NITAAC and I am optimistic and thankful for the promise it holds.