Playlist: Conducting IT Acquisitions with NITAAC


  1. Preparing for Acquisition Planning
  2. Introduction to Fair Opportunity with NITAAC GWACs
  3. Market Research Requirements
  4. Conduct Market Research
  5. Streamlining the Task Order Evaluation Process
  6. The Multiphase Downselect Technique
  7. Comparative Analysis
  8. Communication with Offerors: FAR 15.3 vs. FAR 16.5
  9. Introduction to NITAAC Electronic Government Ordering System (e-GOS)

Preparing for Acquisition Planning

Video Description

NITAAC provides customers with a variety of valuable services that streamline IT acquisitions. Our Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) operate under FAR 16.505, which provides Program and Contracting Offices greater flexibility while simplifying IT buys. No matter how complex the need, NITAAC improves the process, making IT purchases faster, easier and more affordable. Acquisition Planning is an important step in preparing a solicitation and it’s also required by FAR part 7.102. In this video, we’ll explore the documents and processes that go into the creation of your Acquisition Plan, and NITAAC’s role in helping out. 

Introduction to Fair Opportunity with NITAAC GWACs

Video Description

NITAAC’s three government-wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), CIO-SP3, CIO-SP3 Small Business and CIO-CS, are task delivery order contracts for IT that are governed by FAR 16.505. So, what is Fair Opportunity? Watch and find out.

Market Research Requirements

Video Description

When going through the acquisition process, FAR part 7.102 requires that agencies perform acquisition planning and conduct market research for all procurements. Technology in the marketplace is changing at a record pace, and conducting market research is an essential step towards receiving the best solution to support agency needs while maximizing competition. In this video, we will review what market research is, and the policies and procedures that govern this process for government agencies.

Conduct Market Research

Video Description

Conducting market research is an essential step for an agency who wants to receive the best solution to support Information Technology (IT) requirements. Market research is required by FAR Subpart 7.102. FAR Part 10 outlines the policies and procedures for performing market research to help ensure arrival at the most suitable approach to acquiring, distributing, and supporting supplies and services. In this video, we will review how NITAAC can assist you in conducting compliant and effective market research.

Streamlining the Task Order Evaluation Process

Video Description

At NITAAC, we encourage using evaluation procedures that streamline the award of task or delivery orders. and multi-phase down-selects. In this video, we discuss three potential techniques that can be beneficial in streamlining the order process: Comparative Analysis, Oral Presentations, and Multiphase Downselects. Check with your agency to see if they have further guidance regarding these and other streamlined approaches. And check out NITAAC’s videos and website for tools and templates on this subject. 1.888.773.6542

The Multiphase Downselect Technique

Video Description

FAR 16.505 suggests using a multiphase downselect approach when the effort required to respond to a potential order is resource-intensive, for example, when requirements are complex or will develop over time. So…what, exactly, is the multiphase downselect technique? This video explains it. Check with your agency to see if they have further guidance regarding this and other streamlined approaches. 1.888.773.6542

Comparative Analysis

Video Description

Comparative Analysis is an approach that allows the evaluation team to directly compare responses against one another and recommend who is best suited for the award. Comparative analysis is just one of many streamlined methods you can use under Far part 16.5. Before using this, or any other streamlining technique, check your agency’s policies to ensure it is appropriate and approved. For more ideas, look at the NITAAC website for additional videos, tools and templates. 1.888.773.6542

Communication with Offerors: FAR 15.3 vs. FAR 16.5

Video Description

Acquisitions conducted under the authority of FAR 16.5 often resemble those conducted under FAR 15.3; however, there are big differences. Communications with offerors, and the terminology used to describe them, are very different under FAR 15.3 versus FAR 16.5. For more information on communicating with offerors when using GWACs, please visit the NITAAC website for other NITAAC videos, tools and templates. 1.888.773.6542

Introduction to NITAAC Electronic Government Ordering System (e-GOS)

Three ways to access more free training

NITAAC offers training to help you buy IT faster, more easily and more affordably with CIO-SP3, CIO-SP3 Small Business or CIO-CS:

  • Self-paced, online training at NITAAC University (earn 3 CLPs)
  • Virtual or live instructor-led training at your site (earn 2 CLPs)
  • Monthly instructor-led training at NIH (earn 2 CLPs)
image of a laptop with the Training and Events Calendar on the screen

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