With the help of Jeskell consulting services and Dell servers, a federal client running critical, customer-facing applications in multiple locations throughout the country transitioned to a new server platform to comply with changing procurement rules.
The Challenge
What’s an agency to do when it is required to conduct a complete server platform overhaul? One client–an international civilian agency–turned to Jeskell for help. In this unusual situation, the client did not want to change its server platform; in fact, they were perfectly happy with the existing infrastructure. All they wanted was a refresh. But when their preferred platform was sold to a foreign company with national security restrictions, the client needed an alternative that would comply with US security laws. Facing a wide range of options, and worried about issues with support, maintenance, and escalation support, the client turned to Jeskell for assistance.
To learn about the Solution and Outcome to the agency's infrastructure dilemma, visit www.jeskell.com/resources.